Roland Faure, Dominique Lavenier, Jean-François FlotPlease use the format "First name initials family name" as in "Marie S. Curie, Niels H. D. Bohr, Albert Einstein, John R. R. Tolkien, Donna T. Strickland"
<p>Long-read assemblers face challenges in discerning closely related viral or<br>bacterial strains, often collapsing similar strains in a single sequence. This limitation has<br>been hampering metagenome analysis, where diverse strains may harbor crucial functional<br>distinctions.<br>We introduce a novel software, HairSplitter, designed to retrieve strains from a<br>strain-oblivious assembly and long reads. The method uses a custom variant calling pro-<br>cess to operate with erroneous long reads and introduces a new read clustering algorithm<br>to recover an a priori unknown number of strains. On noisy long reads, HairSplitter can<br>recover more strains while being faster than state-of-the-art tools, both in the viral and the<br>bacterial case.</p>
Design and analysis of algorithms, Development, Genomics and Transcriptomics, Probability and statistics
Paola Bonizzoni, Tobias Marschall, Nicola Segata, Sergey Koren, Chirag Jain, Jue Ruan, Sergey Koren [] suggested: I suggest Arang Rhie ( or Dmitry Antipov ( as alternate reviewers.
e.g. John Doe
No need for them to be recommenders of PCI Math Comp Biol. Please do not suggest reviewers for whom there might be a conflict of interest. Reviewers are not allowed to review preprints written by close colleagues (with whom they have published in the last four years, with whom they have received joint funding in the last four years, or with whom they are currently writing a manuscript, or submitting a grant proposal), or by family members, friends, or anyone for whom bias might affect the nature of the review - see the code of conduct