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21 Oct 2024
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Benchmarking the identification of a single degraded protein to explore optimal search strategies for ancient proteins

Systematic investigation of software tools and design of a tailored pipeline for paleoproteomics research

Recommended by based on reviews by Shevan Wilkin and 1 anonymous reviewer

Paleoproteomics is a rapidly growing field with numerous challenges, many of which are due to the highly fragmented, modified, and degraded nature of ancient proteins. Though there are established standards for analysis, it is unclear how different software tools affect the identification and quantification of peptides, proteins, and post-translational modifications. To address this knowledge gap, Rodriguez Palomo et al. design a controlled system by experimentally degrading and purifying bovine beta-lactoglobulin, and then systematically compare the performance of many commonly used tools in its analysis.

They present comprehensive investigations of false discovery rates, open and narrow searches, de novo sequencing coverage bias and accuracy, and peptide chemical properties and bias. In each investigation, they explore wide ranges of appropriate tools and parameters, providing guidelines and recommendations for best practices. Based on their findings, Rodriguez Palomo et al. develop a proposed pipeline that is tailored for the analysis of ancient proteins. This pipeline is an important contribution to paleoproteomics and is likely to be of great value to the research community, as it is designed to enhance power, accuracy, and consistency in studies of ancient proteins.


Ismael Rodriguez-Palomo, Bharath Nair, Yun Chiang, Joannes Dekker, Benjamin Dartigues, Meaghan Mackie, Miranda Evans, Ruairidh Macleod, Jesper V. Olsen, Matthew J. Collins (2023) Benchmarking the identification of a single degraded protein to explore optimal search strategies for ancient proteins. bioRxiv, ver.3 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Math Comp Biol

Benchmarking the identification of a single degraded protein to explore optimal search strategies for ancient proteinsIsmael Rodriguez-Palomo, Bharath Nair, Yun Chiang, Joannes Dekker, Benjamin Dartigues, Meaghan Mackie, Miranda Evans, Ruairidh Macleod, Jesper V. Olsen, Matthew J. Collins<p style="text-align: justify;">Palaeoproteomics is a rapidly evolving discipline, and practitioners are constantly developing novel strategies for the analyses and interpretations of complex, degraded protein mixtures. The community has also esta...Genomics and Transcriptomics, Probability and statisticsRaquel AssisAnonymous, Shevan Wilkin2024-03-12 15:17:08 View
08 Nov 2024
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Bayesian joint-regression analysis of unbalanced series of on-farm trials

Handling Data Imbalance and G×E Interactions in On-Farm Trials Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Pierre Druilhet and David Makowski

The article, "Bayesian Joint-Regression Analysis of Unbalanced Series of On-Farm Trials," presents a Bayesian statistical framework tailored for analyzing highly unbalanced datasets from participatory plant breeding (PPB) trials, specifically wheat trials. The key goal of this research is to address the challenges of genotype-environment (G×E) interactions in on-farm trials, which often have limited replication and varied testing conditions across farms.

The study applies a hierarchical Bayesian model with Finlay-Wilkinson regression, which improves the estimation of G×E effects despite substantial data imbalance. By incorporating a Student’s t-distribution for residuals, the model is more robust to extreme values, which are common in on-farm trials due to variable environments.  Note that the model allows a detailed breakdown of variance, identifying environment effects as the most significant contributors, thus highlighting areas for future breeding focus. Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods, the study achieves reasonable computation times, even for large datasets. 

Obviously, the limitation of the methods comes from the level of data balance and replication. The method requires a minimum level of data balance and replication, which can be a challenge in very decentralized breeding networks Moreover, the Bayesian framework, though computationally feasible, may still be complex for widespread adoption without computational resources or statistical expertise.

The paper presents a sophisticated Bayesian framework specifically designed to tackle the challenges of unbalanced data in participatory plant breeding (PPB). It showcases a novel way to manage the variability in on-farm trials, a common issue in decentralized breeding programs. 

This study's methods accommodate the inconsistencies inherent in on-farm trials, such as extreme values and minimal replication. By using a hierarchical Bayesian approach with a Student’s t-distribution for robustness, it provides a model that maintains precision despite these real-world challenges. This makes it especially relevant for those working in unpredictable agricultural settings or decentralized trials. From a more general perspective, this paper’s findings support breeding methods that prioritize specific adaptation to local conditions. It is particularly useful for researchers and practitioners interested in breeding for agroecological or organic farming systems, where G×E interactions are critical but hard to capture in traditional trial setups.

Beyond agriculture, the paper serves as an excellent example of advanced statistical modeling in highly variable datasets. Its applications extend to any field where data is incomplete or irregular, offering a clear case for hierarchical Bayesian methods to achieve reliable results.

Finally, although begin quite methodological, the paper provides practical insights into how breeders and researchers can work with farmers to achieve meaningful varietal evaluations.  


Michel Turbet Delof , Pierre Rivière , Julie C Dawson, Arnaud Gauffreteau , Isabelle Goldringer , Gaëlle van Frank , Olivier David (2024) Bayesian joint-regression analysis of unbalanced series of on-farm trials. HAL, ver.2 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Math Comp Biol

Bayesian joint-regression analysis of unbalanced series of on-farm trials Michel Turbet Delof , Pierre Rivière , Julie C Dawson, Arnaud Gauffreteau , Isabelle Goldringer , Gaëlle van Frank , Olivier David<p>Participatory plant breeding (PPB) is aimed at developing varieties adapted to agroecologically-based systems. In PPB, selection is decentralized in the target environments, and relies on collaboration between farmers, farmers' organisations an...Agricultural Science, Genetics and population Genetics, Probability and statisticsSophie Donnet Pierre Druilhet, David Makowski2024-01-11 14:17:41 View
04 Feb 2022
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Non-Markovian modelling highlights the importance of age structure on Covid-19 epidemiological dynamics

Importance of age structure on modeling COVID-19 epidemiological dynamics

Recommended by based on reviews by Facundo Muñoz, Kevin Bonham and 1 anonymous reviewer

COVID-19 spread around the globe in early 2020 and has deeply changed our everyday life [1]. Mathematical models allow us to estimate R0 (basic reproduction number), understand the progression of viral infection, explore the impacts of quarantine on the epidemic, and most importantly, predict the future outbreak [2]. The most classical model is SIR, which describes time evolution of three variables, i.e., number of susceptible people (S), number of people infected (I), and number of people who have recovered (R), based on their transition rates [3]. Despite the simplicity, SIR model produces several general predictions that have important implications for public health [3].

SIR model includes three populations with distinct labels and is thus compartmentalized. Extra compartments can be added to describe additional states of populations, for example, people exposed to the virus but not yet infectious. However, a model with more compartments, though more realistic, is also more difficult to parameterize and analyze. The study by Reyné et al. [4] proposed an alternative formalism based on PDE (partial differential equation), which allows modeling different biological scenarios without the need of adding additional compartments. As illustrated, the authors modeled hospital admission dynamics in a vaccinated population only with 8 general compartments.

The main conclusion of this study is that the vaccination level till 2021 summer was insufficient to prevent a new epidemic in France. Additionally, the authors used alternative data sources to estimate the age-structured contact patterns. By sensitivity analysis on a daily basis, they found that the 9 parameters in the age-structured contact matrix are most variable and thus shape Covid19 pandemic dynamics. This result highlights the importance of incorporating age structure of the host population in modeling infectious diseases. However, a relevant potential limitation is that the contact matrix was assumed to be constant throughout the simulations. To account for time dependence of the contact matrix, social and behavioral factors need to be integrated [5].


[1] Hu B, Guo H, Zhou P, Shi Z-L (2021) Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 19, 141–154.

[2] Jinxing G, Yongyue W, Yang Z, Feng C (2020) Modeling the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 epidemic: a systematic review. The Journal of Biomedical Research, 34, 422–430.

[3] Tolles J, Luong T (2020) Modeling Epidemics With Compartmental Models. JAMA, 323, 2515–2516.

[4] Reyné B, Richard Q, Noûs C, Selinger C, Sofonea MT, Djidjou-Demasse R, Alizon S (2022) Non-Markovian modelling highlights the importance of age structure on Covid-19 epidemiological dynamics. medRxiv, 2021.09.30.21264339, ver. 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology.

[5] Bedson J, Skrip LA, Pedi D, Abramowitz S, Carter S, Jalloh MF, Funk S, Gobat N, Giles-Vernick T, Chowell G, de Almeida JR, Elessawi R, Scarpino SV, Hammond RA, Briand S, Epstein JM, Hébert-Dufresne L, Althouse BM (2021) A review and agenda for integrated disease models including social and behavioural factors. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 834–846

Non-Markovian modelling highlights the importance of age structure on Covid-19 epidemiological dynamicsBastien Reyné, Quentin Richard, Camille Noûs, Christian Selinger, Mircea T. Sofonea, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Samuel Alizon<p style="text-align: justify;">The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak was followed by a huge amount of modelling studies in order to rapidly gain insights to implement the best public health policies. Most of these compartmental models involved ordinary ...Dynamical systems, Epidemiology, Systems biologyChen Liao2021-10-04 13:49:51 View
13 Dec 2021
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Within-host evolutionary dynamics of antimicrobial quantitative resistance

Modelling within-host evolutionary dynamics of antimicrobial resistance

Recommended by based on reviews by 2 anonymous reviewers

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) arises due to two main reasons: pathogens are either intrinsically resistant to the antimicrobials, or they can develop new resistance mechanisms in a continuous fashion over time and space. The latter has been referred to as within-host evolution of antimicrobial resistance and studied in infectious disease settings such as Tuberculosis [1]. During antibiotic treatment for example within-host evolutionary AMR dynamics plays an important role [2] and presents significant challenges in terms of optimizing treatment dosage. The study by Djidjou-Demasse et al. [3] contributes to addressing such challenges by developing a modelling approach that utilizes integro-differential equations to mathematically capture continuity in the space of the bacterial resistance levels.

Given its importance as a major public health concern with enormous societal consequences around the world, the evolution of drug resistance in the context of various pathogens has been extensively studied using population genetics approaches [4]. This problem has been also addressed using mathematical modelling approaches including Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)-based [5. 6] and more recently Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE)-based models [7]. In [3] the authors propose a model of within-host AMR evolution in the absence and presence of drug treatment. The advantage of the proposed modelling approach is that it allows for AMR to be represented as a continuous quantitative trait, describing the level of resistance of the bacterial population termed quantitative AMR (qAMR) in [3]. Moreover, consistent with recent experimental evidence [2] integro-differential equations take into account both, the dynamics of the bacterial population density, referred to as “bottleneck size” in [2] as well as the evolution of its level of resistance due to drug-induced selection. 

The model proposed in [3] has been extensively and rigorously analysed to address various scenarios including the significance of host immune response in drug efficiency, treatment failure and preventive strategies. The drug treatment chosen to be investigated in this study, namely chemotherapy, has been characterised in terms of the level of evolved resistance by the bacterial population in presence of antimicrobial pressure at equilibrium.

Furthermore, the minimal duration of drug administration on bacterial growth and the emergence of AMR has been probed in the model by changing the initial population size and average resistance levels. A potential limitation of the proposed model is the assumption that mutations occur frequently (i.e. during growth), which may not be necessarily the case in certain experimental and/or clinical situations.


[1] Castro RAD, Borrell S, Gagneux S (2021) The within-host evolution of antimicrobial resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 45, fuaa071.

[2] Mahrt N, Tietze A, Künzel S, Franzenburg S, Barbosa C, Jansen G, Schulenburg H (2021) Bottleneck size and selection level reproducibly impact evolution of antibiotic resistance. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5, 1233–1242.

[3] Djidjou-Demasse R, Sofonea MT, Choisy M, Alizon S (2021) Within-host evolutionary dynamics of antimicrobial quantitative resistance. HAL, hal-03194023, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology.

[4] Wilson BA, Garud NR, Feder AF, Assaf ZJ, Pennings PS (2016) The population genetics of drug resistance evolution in natural populations of viral, bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens. Molecular Ecology, 25, 42–66.

[5] Blanquart F, Lehtinen S, Lipsitch M, Fraser C (2018) The evolution of antibiotic resistance in a structured host population. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 15, 20180040.

[6] Jacopin E, Lehtinen S, Débarre F, Blanquart F (2020) Factors favouring the evolution of multidrug resistance in bacteria. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 17, 20200105.

[7] Igler C, Rolff J, Regoes R (2021) Multi-step vs. single-step resistance evolution under different drugs, pharmacokinetics, and treatment regimens (BS Cooper, PJ Wittkopp, Eds,). eLife, 10, e64116.

Within-host evolutionary dynamics of antimicrobial quantitative resistanceRamsès Djidjou-Demasse, Mircea T. Sofonea, Marc Choisy, Samuel Alizon<p style="text-align: justify;">Antimicrobial efficacy is traditionally described by a single value, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC), which is the lowest concentration that prevents visible growth of the bacterial population. As a conse...Dynamical systems, Epidemiology, Evolutionary Biology, Medical SciencesKrasimira Tsaneva2021-04-16 16:55:19 View
28 Jun 2024
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Emergence of Supercoiling-Mediated Regulatory Networks through the Evolution of Bacterial Chromosome Organization

Understanding the impact of the transcription-supercoiling coupling on bacterial genome evolution

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Ivan Junier and 1 anonymous reviewer

DNA supercoiling, the under or overwinding of DNA, is known to strongly impact gene expression, as changes in levels of supercoiling directly influence transcription rates. In turn, gene transcription generates DNA supercoiling on each side of an advancing RNA polymerase. This coupling between DNA supercoiling and transcription may result in different outcomes, depending on neighboring gene orientations: divergent genes tend to increase transcription levels, convergent genes tend to inhibit each other, while tandem genes may exhibit more intricate relationships.

While several works have investigated the relationship between transcription and supercoiling, Grohens et al [1] address a different question: how does transcription-supercoiling coupling drive genome evolution? To this end, they consider a simple model of gene expression regulation where transcription level only depends on the local DNA supercoiling and where the transcription of one gene generates a linear profile of positive and negative DNA supercoiling on each side of it. They then make genomes evolve through genomic inversions only considering a fitness that reflects the ability of a genome to cope with two distinct environments for which different genes have to be activated or repressed.

Using this simple model, the authors illustrate how evolutionary adaptation via genomic inversions can adjust expression levels for enhanced fitness within specific environments, particularly with the emergence of relaxation-activated genes. Investigating the genomic organization of individual genomes revealed that genes are locally organized to leverage the transcription-supercoiling coupling for activation or inhibition, but larger-scale networks of genes are required to strongly inhibit genes (sometimes up to networks of 20 genes). Thus, supercoiling-mediated interactions between genes can implicate more than just local genes. Finally, they construct an "effective interaction graph" between genes by successively simulating gene knock-outs for all of the genes of an individual and observing the effect on the expression level of other genes. They observe a densely connected interaction network, implying that supercoiling-based regulation could evolve concurrently with genome organization in bacterial genomes.


[1] Théotime Grohens, Sam Meyer, Guillaume Beslon (2024) Emergence of Supercoiling-Mediated Regulatory Networks through the Evolution of Bacterial Chromosome Organization. bioRxiv, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology

Emergence of Supercoiling-Mediated Regulatory Networks through the Evolution of Bacterial Chromosome OrganizationThéotime Grohens, Sam Meyer, Guillaume Beslon<p>DNA supercoiling -- the level of twisting and writhing of the DNA molecule around itself -- plays a major role in the regulation of gene expression in bacteria by modulating promoter activity. The level of DNA supercoiling is a dynamic property...Biophysics, Evolutionary Biology, Systems biologyNelle Varoquaux2023-06-30 10:34:28 View
27 Aug 2024
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Impact of a block structure on the Lotka-Volterra model

Equlibrium of communities in the Lotka-Volterra model

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by 3 anonymous reviewers

This article by Clenet et al. [1] tackles a fundamental mathematical model in ecology to understand the impact of the architecture of interactions on the equilibrium of the system.

The authors consider the classical Lotka-Volterra model, depicting the effect of interactions between species on their abundances. They focus on the case whenever there are numerous species, and where their interactions are compartmentalized in a block structure. Each block has a strength coefficient, applied to a random Gaussian matrix. This model aims at capturing the structure of interacting communities, with blocks describing the interactions within a community, and other blocks the interactions between communities.

In this general mathematical framework, the authors demonstrate sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a stable equilibrium, and conditions for which the equilibrium is feasible. Moreover, they derive statistical heuristics for the proportion, mean, and distribution of abundance of surviving species.
While the main text focuses on the case of two interacting communities, the authors provide generalizations to an arbitrary number of blocks in the appendix.

Overall, the article constitutes an original and solid contribution to the study of mathematical models in ecology. It combines mathematical analysis, dynamical system theory, numerical simulations, grounded with relevant hypothesis for the modeling of ecological systems.
The obtained results pave the way to further research, both towards further mathematical proofs on the model analysis, and towards additional model features relevant for ecology, such as spatial aspects.


[1] Maxime Clenet, François Massol, Jamal Najim (2023) Impact of a block structure on the Lotka-Volterra model. arXiv, ver.3 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology.

Impact of a block structure on the Lotka-Volterra modelMaxime Clenet, François Massol, Jamal Najim<p>​The Lotka-Volterra (LV) model is a simple, robust, and versatile model used to describe large interacting systems such as food webs or microbiomes. The model consists of $n$ coupled differential equations linking the abundances of $n$ differen...Dynamical systems, Ecology, Probability and statisticsLoïc Paulevé2023-11-17 21:44:38 View
24 Dec 2020
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A linear time solution to the Labeled Robinson-Foulds Distance problem

Comparing reconciled gene trees in linear time

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Barbara Holland, Gabriel Cardona, Jean-Baka Domelevo Entfellner and 1 anonymous reviewer

Unlike a species tree, a gene tree results not only from speciation events, but also from events acting at the gene level, such as duplications and losses of gene copies, and gene transfer events [1]. The reconciliation of phylogenetic trees consists in embedding a given gene tree into a known species tree and, doing so, determining the location of these gene-level events on the gene tree [2]. Reconciled gene trees can be seen as phylogenetic trees where internal node labels are used to discriminate between different gene-level events. Comparing them is of foremost importance in order to assess the performance of various reconciliation methods (e.g. [3]).
A paper describing an extension of the widely used Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance [4] to trees with labeled internal nodes was presented earlier this year [5]. This distance, called ELRF, is based on edge edits and coincides with the RF distance when all internal labels are identical; unfortunately, the ELRF distance is very costly to compute. In the present paper [6], the authors introduce a distance called LRF, which is inspired by the TED (Tree Edit Distance [7]) and is based on node edits. As the ELRF, the new distance coincides with the RF distance for identically-labeled internal nodes, but has the additional desirable features of being computable in linear time. Also, in the ELRF distance, an edge can be deleted if only it connects nodes with the same label. The new formulation does not have this restriction, and this is, in my opinion, an improvement since the restriction makes little sense in the comparison of reconciled gene trees.
The authors show the pertinence of this new distance by studying the impact of taxon sampling on reconciled gene trees when internal labels are computed via a method based on species overlap. The linear algorithm to compute the LRF distance presented in the paper has been implemented and the software —written in Python— is freely available for the community to use it. I bet that the LRF distance will be widely used in the coming years!


[1] Maddison, W. P. (1997). Gene trees in species trees. Systematic biology, 46(3), 523-536. doi:
[2] Boussau, B., and Scornavacca, C. (2020). Reconciling gene trees with species trees. Phylogenetics in the Genomic Era, p. 3.2:1–3.2:23. [3] Doyon, J. P., Chauve, C., and Hamel, S. (2009). Space of gene/species trees reconciliations and parsimonious models. Journal of Computational Biology, 16(10), 1399-1418. doi:
[4] Robinson, D. F., and Foulds, L. R. (1981). Comparison of phylogenetic trees. Mathematical biosciences, 53(1-2), 131-147. doi:
[5] Briand, B., Dessimoz, C., El-Mabrouk, N., Lafond, M. and Lobinska, G. (2020). A generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for labeled trees. BMC Genomics 21, 779. doi:
[6] Briand, S., Dessimoz, C., El-Mabrouk, N. and Nevers, Y. (2020) A linear time solution to the labeled Robinson-Foulds distance problem. bioRxiv, 2020.09.14.293522, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Mathematical and Computational Biology. doi:
[7] Zhang, K., and Shasha, D. (1989). Simple fast algorithms for the editing distance between trees and related problems. SIAM journal on computing, 18(6), 1245-1262. doi:

A linear time solution to the Labeled Robinson-Foulds Distance problemSamuel Briand, Christophe Dessimoz, Nadia El-Mabrouk and Yannis Nevers <p>Motivation Comparing trees is a basic task for many purposes, and especially in phylogeny where different tree reconstruction tools may lead to different trees, likely representing contradictory evolutionary information. While a large variety o...Combinatorics, Design and analysis of algorithms, Evolutionary BiologyCéline Scornavacca2020-08-20 21:06:23 View
21 Feb 2022
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Consistency of orthology and paralogy constraints in the presence of gene transfers

Allowing gene transfers doesn't make life easier for inferring orthology and paralogy

Recommended by based on reviews by 2 anonymous reviewers

​​​Determining if genes are orthologous (i.e. homologous genes whose most common ancestor represents a speciation) or paralogous (homologous genes whose most common ancestor represents a duplication) is a foundational problem in bioinformatics. For instance, the input to almost all phylogenetic methods is a sequence alignment of genes assumed to be orthologous.  Understanding if genes are paralogs or orthologs can also be important for assigning function, for example genes that have diverged following duplication may be more likely to have neofunctionalised or subfunctionalised compared to genes that have diverged following speciation, which may be more likely to have continued in a similar role.

This paper by Jones et al (2022) contributes to a wide range of literature addressing the inference of orthology/paralogy relations but takes a different approach to explaining inconsistency between an assumed species phylogeny and a relation graph (a graph where nodes represent genes and edges represent that the two genes are orthologs). Rather than assuming that inconsistencies are the result of incorrect assessment of orthology (i.e. incorrect edges in the relation graph) they ask if the relation graph could be consistent with a species tree combined with some amount of lateral (horizontal) gene transfer.

The two main questions addressed in this paper are (1) if a network N and a relation graph R are consistent, and (2) if – given a species tree S and a relation graph R – transfer arcs can be added to S in such a way that it becomes consistent with R? 

The first question hinges on the concept of a reconciliation between a gene tree and a network (section 2.1) and amounts to asking if a gene tree can be found that can both be reconciled with the network and consistent with the relation graph. The authors show that the problem is NP hard. Furthermore, the related problem of attempting to find a solution using k or fewer transfers is NP-hard, and also W[1] hard implying that it is in a class of problems for which fixed parameter tractable solutions have not been found. The proof of NP hardness is by reduction to the k-multi-coloured clique problem via an intermediate problem dubbed “antichain on trees” (Section 3). The “antichain on trees” construction may be of interest to others working on algorithmic complexity with phylogenetic networks.

In the second question the possible locations of transfers are not specified (or to put it differently any time consistent transfer arc is considered possible) and it is shown that it generally will be possible to add transfer edges to S in such a way that it can be consistent with R. However, the natural extension to this question of asking if it can be done with k or fewer added arcs is also NP hard.

Many of the proofs in the paper are quite technical, but the authors have relegated a lot of this detail to the appendix thus ensuring that the main ideas and results are clear to follow in the main text. I am grateful to both reviewers for their detailed reviews and through checking of the proofs.


Jones M, Lafond M, Scornavacca C (2022) Consistency of orthology and paralogy constraints in the presence of gene transfers. arXiv:1705.01240 [cs], ver. 6 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology.

Consistency of orthology and paralogy constraints in the presence of gene transfersMark Jones, Manuel Lafond, Celine Scornavacca<p style="text-align: justify;">Orthology and paralogy relations are often inferred by methods based on gene sequence similarity that yield a graph depicting the relationships between gene pairs. Such relation graphs frequently contain errors, as ...Computational complexity, Design and analysis of algorithms, Evolutionary Biology, Graph theoryBarbara Holland2021-06-30 15:01:44 View
18 Apr 2023
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Cancer phylogenetic tree inference at scale from 1000s of single cell genomes

Phylogenetic reconstruction from copy number aberration in large scale, low-depth genome-wide single-cell data.

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The paper [1] presents and applies a new Bayesian inference method of phylogenetic reconstruction for multiple sequence alignments in the case of low sequencing coverage but diverse copy number aberrations (CNA), with applications to single cell sequencing of tumors.

The idea is to take advantage of CNA to reconstruct the topology of the phylogenetic tree of sequenced cells in a first step (the `sitka' method), and in a second step to assign single nucleotide variants (SNV) to tree edges (and then calibrate their lengths) (the `sitka-snv' method).

The data are summarized into a binary-valued CxL matrix Y, where C is the number of cells and L is the number of loci (here, loci are segments of prescribed length called `bins'). The entry of Y at row i and column j is 1 (otherwise 0) iff in the ancestral lineage of cell i, at least one genomic rearrangement has occurred, and more specifically the gain or loss of a segment with at least one endpoint in locus j or in locus j+1. The authors expect the infinite-allele assumption to approximately hold (i.e., that at most one mutation occurs at any given marker and that 0 is the ancestral state). They refer to this assumption as the `perfect phylogeny assumption'. By only recording from CNA events the endpoints at which they occur, the authors lose the information on copy number, but they gain the assumption of independence of the mutational processes occurring at different sites, which approximately holds for CNA endpoints.

The goal of sitka is to produce a posterior distribution on phylogenetic trees conditional on the matrix Y , where here a phylogenetic tree is understood as containing the information on 1) the topology of the tree but not its edge lengths, and 2) for each edge, the identity of markers having undergone a mutation, in the sense of the previous paragraph. 

The results of the method are tested against synthetic datasets simulated under various assumptions, including conditions violating the perfect phylogeny assumption and compared to results obtained under other baseline methods. The method is extended to assign SNV to edges of the tree inferred by sitka. It is also applied to real datasets of single cell genomes of tumors. 

The manuscript is very well-written, with a high degree of detail. The method is novel, scalable, fast and appears to perform favorably compared to other approaches. It has been applied in independent publications, for example to multi-year time-series single-cell whole-genome sequencing of tumors, in order to infer the fitness landscape and its dynamics through time, see [2].

The reviewing process has taken too long, mainly because of other commitments I had during the period and to the difficulty of finding reviewers. Let me apologize to the authors and thank them for their patience as well as for the scientific rigor they brought to their revisions and answers to reviewers, who I also warmly thank for their quality work.


[1] Sohrab Salehi, Fatemeh Dorri, Kevin Chern, Farhia Kabeer, Nicole Rusk, Tyler Funnell, Marc J Williams, Daniel Lai, Mirela Andronescu, Kieran R. Campbell, Andrew McPherson, Samuel Aparicio, Andrew Roth, Sohrab Shah, and Alexandre Bouchard-Côté. Cancer phylogenetic tree inference at scale from 1000s of single cell genomes (2023). bioRxiv, 2020.05.06.058180, ver. 4 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology.

[2] Sohrab Salehi, Farhia Kabeer, Nicholas Ceglia, Mirela Andronescu, Marc J. Williams, Kieran R. Campbell, Tehmina Masud, Beixi Wang, Justina Biele, Jazmine Brimhall, David Gee, Hakwoo Lee, Jerome Ting, Allen W. Zhang, Hoa Tran, Ciara O’Flanagan, Fatemeh Dorri, Nicole Rusk, Teresa Ruiz de Algara, So Ra Lee, Brian Yu Chieh Cheng, Peter Eirew, Takako Kono, Jenifer Pham, Diljot Grewal, Daniel Lai, Richard Moore, Andrew J. Mungall, Marco A. Marra, IMAXT Consortium, Andrew McPherson, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, Samuel Aparicio & Sohrab P. Shah. Clonal fitness inferred from time-series modelling of single-cell cancer genomes (2021).  Nature 595, 585–590.

Cancer phylogenetic tree inference at scale from 1000s of single cell genomesSohrab Salehi, Fatemeh Dorri, Kevin Chern, Farhia Kabeer, Nicole Rusk, Tyler Funnell, Marc J Williams, Daniel Lai, Mirela Andronescu, Kieran R. Campbell, Andrew McPherson, Samuel Aparicio, Andrew Roth, Sohrab Shah, and Alexandre Bouchard-Côté<p style="text-align: justify;">A new generation of scalable single cell whole genome sequencing (scWGS) methods allows unprecedented high resolution measurement of the evolutionary dynamics of cancer cell populations. Phylogenetic reconstruction ...Evolutionary Biology, Genetics and population Genetics, Genomics and Transcriptomics, Machine learning, Probability and statisticsAmaury Lambert2021-12-10 17:08:04 View
10 Jan 2024
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An approximate likelihood method reveals ancient gene flow between human, chimpanzee and gorilla

Aphid: A Novel Statistical Method for Dissecting Gene Flow and Lineage Sorting in Phylogenetic Conflict

Recommended by ORCID_LOGO based on reviews by Richard Durbin and 2 anonymous reviewers

Galtier [1] introduces “Aphid,” a new statistical method that estimates the contributions of gene flow (GF) and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) to phylogenetic conflict.  Aphid is based on the observation that GF tends to make gene genealogies shorter, whereas ILS makes them longer.  Rather than fitting the full likelihood, it models the distribution of gene genealogies as a mixture of several canonical gene genealogies in which coalescence times are set equal to their expectations under different models. This simplification makes Aphid far faster than competing methods. In addition, it deals gracefully with bidirectional gene flow—an impossibility under competing models. Because of these advantages, Aphid represents an important addition to the toolkit of evolutionary genetics.

In the interest of speed, Aphid makes several simplifying assumptions. Yet even when these were violated, Aphid did well at estimating parameters from simulated data. It seems to be reasonably robust.

Aphid studies phylogenetic conflict, which occurs when some loci imply one phylogenetic tree and other loci imply another. This happens when the interval between successive speciation events is fairly short. If this interval is too short,  however,  Aphid’s approximations break down, and its estimates are biased. Galtier suggests caution when the fraction of discordant phylogenetic trees exceeds 50–55%. Thus, Aphids will be most useful when the interval between speciation events is short, but not too short.

Galtier applies the new method to three sets of primate data. In two of these data sets  (baboons and African apes), Aphid detects gene flow that would likely be missed by competing methods. These competing methods are primarily sensitive to gene flow that is asymmetric in two senses: (1) greater flow in one direction than the other, and (2) unequal gene flow connecting an outgroup to two sister species.  Aphid finds evidence of symmetric gene flow in the ancestry of baboons and also in that of African apes. The data suggest that ancestral humans and chimpanzees both interbred with ancestral gorillas, and at about the same rate.  Aphid’s ability to detect this signature sets it apart from competing methods.


[1]   Nicolas Galtier (2023) “An approximate likelihood method reveals ancient gene flow between human, chimpanzee and gorilla”. bioRxiv, ver. 3 peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Mathematical and Computational Biology.

An approximate likelihood method reveals ancient gene flow between human, chimpanzee and gorillaNicolas Galtier<p>Gene flow and incomplete lineage sorting are two distinct sources of phylogenetic conflict, i.e., gene trees that differ in topology from each other and from the species tree. Distinguishing between the two processes is a key objective of curre...Evolutionary Biology, Genetics and population Genetics, Genomics and TranscriptomicsAlan Rogers2023-07-06 18:41:16 View